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Q: What is the difference between high fructose corn syrup and regular sugar?
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Diet Mountain Dew has a sugar substitute while regular Mountain Dew uses high fructose corn syrup.

What is the difference between regular Dr Pepper and throwback Dr Pepper?

Regular dr. pepper is made with high fructose corn syrup sweetner and Throwback Dr. Pepper is made with Real Sugar before hfcs.

What is the difference between normal sugar and muscovado sugar?

muscovado sugar has nutrition that regular sugar does not have

What are the difference between glucose starch and sugar?

glucose is a type of sugar, and it is combined with starch. sugar is a category, because it could be fructose, glucose, etc.

What is the difference in ingredients between regular and diet Dr. Pepper?

In diet, they put more sugar in it and less sugar in regular

What is the difference between regular chewing gum and sugar free chewing gum?

Sugar free chewing gum has no sugar in it.

Can people tell the difference between regular gum and sugar free gum?

sugar free gum has no sugar in it ,but regular gum has more sugar. more sugar in gum causes people to be diabetics

What is the difference between granulated sugar and regular sugar?

Most people say "sugar" to mean granulated sugar. Different sugars are pure cane sugar and confectionery sugar (the powdered kind).

What is the difference between Diet Dr Pepper and Dr. Pepper?

In diet, they put more sugar in it and less sugar in regular

Is fructose an electrolyte?

no, fructose is a sugar.

What is the difference between glucose and frutose?

A different between fructose and glucose is that fructose is much sweeter than glucose. Also fructose, when eaten and absorbed, releases its energy slower than glucose and can metabolize without the need of insulin.

Which is the sweetest natural sugar?
