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Closed means just that...not open and unable to allow sodium ions to flow. Inactivated means that they do not respond to the stimulus. They could be open or closed, but do not receive the signal from the messenger. Also refractory.

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1w ago

Inactivated sodium channels are unable to open and conduct ions due to the presence of a blocking particle, whereas closed sodium channels are capable of opening and conducting ions when stimulated. Closed channels are in a resting state and can be activated by a depolarizing signal, while inactivated channels are temporarily unable to conduct ions after being activated.

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What is the difference between a closed system and open system chemical reactions?

In a closed system, no matter can enter or leave the system, while in an open system matter can enter or leave the system. This means that closed systems are isolated from their surroundings, while open systems can exchange matter with their surroundings. Chemical reactions that occur in closed systems can potentially reach equilibrium, while those in open systems may continue until one or more reactants are depleted.

How does evaporation in a closed container differ from evaporation in an open container?

In a closed container, the water vapor cannot escape into the surrounding air, so the rate of evaporation decreases as the space becomes saturated. In an open container, the water vapor can escape into the surrounding air, allowing for continuous evaporation as long as there is a difference in vapor pressure between the liquid and the air.

How do you distinguish between sugar solution and neem solution with eyes closed?

You can use your sense of smell to distinguish between sugar solution and neem solution with eyes closed. Sugar solution will have a sweet smell, while neem solution will have a bitter or pungent smell due to the natural properties of neem.

What is difference between open reflux and closed reflux chemical oxygen demand measurement?

Open reflux method involves boiling the sample in an open vessel, allowing volatile organic compounds to escape. Closed reflux method involves using a reflux condenser to trap volatile compounds, ensuring more accurate measurement of chemical oxygen demand. Closed reflux method is preferred for accurate and reliable results in chemical oxygen demand measurement.

A closed end manometer has a U tube with a sample of hydrogen gas in the bulb The difference in the height of the columns of mercury is 18.0 cm What is the pressure of the hydrogen gas in torr?

To find the pressure of the hydrogen gas in torr, you can use the difference in height of the mercury columns and the density of mercury. First, calculate the pressure difference due to the 18.0 cm height difference in the mercury columns. Then, convert this pressure into torr using the conversion factor 1 atm = 760 torr.

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