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the mandrin ivory has a tint of orange in it

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Q: What is the difference between ivory and mandarin ivory?
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Historically, piano keys have been made with ivory. Ivory comes from the tusks of elephants, and is now illegal to purchase. Currently, piano keys are usually made of plastic or cellulose, which is a compound that is similar to plastic. They may not last as long as ivory, but they are cruelty free.

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What difference between Chinese and mandarin?

Chinese is a broader term that refers to the entire language family, which includes various dialects such as Mandarin, Cantonese, and others. Mandarin, specifically, is the most widely spoken dialect of Chinese and is the official language of China and Taiwan.

What is the distance from the Ivory Coast to Brazil?

There are 3520.853 miles between Ivory Coast and Brazil, South America.

What is the difference between Chinese and Mandarin?

Chinese is a term used to refer to the language spoken by the majority of people in China and also the written script used in China and other East Asian countries. Mandarin is a specific dialect of Chinese that is the official language of China and is spoken by the majority of Chinese speakers. So, Mandarin is a type of Chinese language.

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What are the main differences between mandarin and cantonese?

the differences are mandarin only has 4 tones but cantonese has 9 tones.

Why do ivory has to be use for anything?

Today there is very little where using real ivory will make a technical difference in comparison to using synthetic ivory. However, because real ivory is rare, the economic law of supply and demand states that using real ivory makes an item much more expensive. It's mostly an aesthetic.

What Africa nation is between togo and the ivory coast?

That is Ghana .