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Kosher food have been produced under the supervision or a Jewish Rabbi, whereas non kosher foods have not.



Kosher food does not require a Rabbi's involvement. When talking about commercially prepared food, the kitchen has to be supervised by a 'mashgiach'. Any orthodox Jew can be a mashgiach. Kosher food is prepared with kosher ingredients following the laws of kashrut.

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Kosher is food blessed with holy water and untouched by human hands

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Q: What is the difference between kosher and non-kosher?
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Glatt kosher is stricter, meaning that kosher animals get checked more closely for any scars in their lungs.

What is the difference between a kosher butcher and a regular butcher?

A kosher butcher will only sell kosher meat. Regular butchers don't sell kosher meat.

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No, there is no difference in tenderness between kosher and non-kosher beef. The animals are raised in the exact same way with the only difference being the way in which they are slaughtered and that as part of the kashering process, kosher beef is salted to draw out excess blood.

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Difference in style, seasonings and kosher supervision.

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Difference in style, seasonings and kosher supervision.

What is the difference between kosher salt and table salt?

The size of the salt granule.

What is the difference between kosher food and halal food?

Not much difference - Halal is practiced by Muslims, and Kosher is practiced by Jews. Neither eat pork, and each have requirements on how their meat is slaughtered and processed.

What can you substitute kosher salt with?

Any serious difference exist between kosher salt and standard table salt.

What is the difference between kosher salt and rock salt?

Both are sodium chloride - NaCl. But they have different purity or grain size.

How is a kosher restaurant laid out?

A kosher restaurant is laid out the same way as a non-kosher restaurant. The key difference (aside from being kosher) is that kosher restaurants serve either meat OR dairy, never both.

What does kosher mean in your ring?

There is typically no connection between kosher and jewelry.

What is the difference between kosher wine and non kosher wine?

Kosher preparation. The main consideration in kosher food is that all the ingredients must be kosher, and the machinery that the food is processed on should not have been used to make non-kosher foods. Wine is different than food because of a sensitive historical situation. Because idolators used to offer wine to their idols, kosher wine must be protected under the supervision of a religious Jew or certifying agency. Today, the way you can be sure that wine or processed foods are kosher is that they have the symbol of a kosher certifying agency.