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it means the same thing when used for clothing. otherwise material could mean things like wood, paper, plastic etc.

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Q: What is the difference between material and fabric?
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Is there a difference between a down blanket and a down quilt If so, what is the difference?

Quilting refers to a sandwich type design. There is an insulating material in between two out types of material. Usually these are sewn together with a diamond pattern of stitching. Yes. A blanket is a single layer of fabric, usually woven. Down quilts have a layer of fabric, than down batting, than another layer of fabric.

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If you mean 'weaving' . . . Spinning is making the raw material into yarn. Weaving is making the yarn into fabric.

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Plastic is a synthetic material made from polymers, while fabric is a material made from weaving or knitting fibers together. Plastic is typically more durable and waterproof, while fabric can be more breathable and comfortable to wear. Both materials have different applications depending on their properties and intended use.

What is the difference between polar fleece and cotton fabric?

Polar fleece is a synthetic fabric made from polyester, known for its warmth and moisture-wicking properties. Cotton fabric, on the other hand, is a natural fiber that is breathable and soft to the touch. While polar fleece is more insulating, cotton is more versatile and can be worn comfortably in a variety of temperatures.

What is the difference between 1 meter of fabric and 1 Linear meter of fabric?

None. Both are 1-metre lengths, of the standard with of the fabric.

What material has resistance between a conductor and a insulator?

Semiconductors have resistance levels between that of conductors and insulators. They conduct electricity better than insulators but not as well as conductors, making them useful in electronic devices. Examples include silicon and germanium.

Is neoprene a type of fabric?

No. Neoprene is a material as are cotton and silk. A fabric is made out of material.

What is the difference between combustible and noncombustible fabric?

Combustible fabric can catch fire and burn easily when exposed to heat, flames, or sparks. Noncombustible fabric is resistant to burning or igniting when exposed to these conditions, making it safer in environments where fire risk is a concern.

Is fabric a natural material?

'Fabric' is a general name for some sort of cloth. It can therefore be made out of natural or man made materials. Cotton fabric would be an natural material Rayon fabric would not be a natural material Tweed is a fabric which is a natural material. The process of making fabric from a fibre is of cause not a natural process.

Difference between simple shear strain and pure shear strain of fabric?

Simple shear strain involves deformation by parallel sliding of fabric layers in opposite directions, resulting in stretching and compressing of the material. Pure shear strain occurs when fabric layers are displaced in opposite directions, causing the material to deform by shear without any change in volume. In simple shear, there is both shearing and stretching/compressing, while in pure shear, only shearing occurs.