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a quality is a trait about a person that is good and a moral is something to learn

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Q: What is the difference between moral quality and moral authority?
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moral is diffrent than motivation :)

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The words, moral and lesson, are synonyms. They both have the same meanings and they are both nouns. The only difference between a moral and a lesson is the spelling of the two words.

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Good whether intrinsic or extrinsic is refers to the moral quality of a human act ; while right appertains the conformity of a given human act to a moral principle.

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Teleological system: The end results determine the moral quality of an act. Deontological system: The inherent nature of an act determines the moral quality of the act. Look into Formalism and Immanuel Kant; Utilitarianism and Jeremy Bentham

What is moral authority?

Moral authority is arrived at after considering your part in the world long and hard and realizing that it's really not all about you. Being able to consider other people's insights and experiences makes you a moral authority.Previous discussion________________Here's the best explanation of moral authority I've heard. Moral authority is having the personal credibility with your target group that makes your words persuasive to them. Moral authority is achieved when your target group perceives that you have these 2 qualities: integrity and compassion. Hope this helps.Sorry my friend....."Conscience" is the moral authority. It is universal. That which pricks your conscience can never be moral. The internal person in you, which is nothing but"Conscience" is the one and only moral authority that is universal is THE MORAL AUTHORITY.

What is the difference between moral religion and etiquette?

Stupid question!

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Difference between moral judgment and value judgment?

All moral judgements are value judgements but not all value judgements are moral.

What is is the difference between moral punishment and legal punishment?

moral starts with a m and legal starts with a l

What is the difference between moral evil and natural evil?

moral evil is evil caused by humans Natural evil is caused by nature.

What is moral right?

There is a difference between individuals and "entities." Individuals can have moral rights even though they may not be codified in law. A company is an 'entity' - a 'thing' - 'things' do not and cannot have moral rights.