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In terms of philosophy, that depends on the philosopher and his or her beliefs. It also probably depends on your beliefs. In general, something that agrees with your view of morality or moral law is moral, and anything outside that is immoral. In terms of religion, it also depends on your beliefs, but morality is usually ascribed to things that God considers right and good, and immoral things are things that God condemns. ... overall, we do share (all religions and non-religions) some basic moral values as a culture. For instance... killing another human being is generally condemned. Different cultures have different beliefs about many things, but there are commonalities around which we usually build laws and the structure of our societies.

ANSWER: The same difference between loving they neighbor and killing him. The same difference between respecting the property of others and stealing it. The same difference between living your life in the service in humanity and living your life enslaving humanity. It matters not who the philosopher is or what his beliefs and you can call murder moral all you want, it won't change the outcome. Truth isn't a matter of opinion where my truth is different from your truth. Truth is truth regardless of what is true for me and what is true for you. Murder isn't wrong because that's my world view, murder is wrong because it is anti-survival. Morality is behavior that supports survival and immorality is behavior that is anti-survival.

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1w ago

Morality refers to principles of right and wrong behavior, while immorality refers to behavior that goes against these principles. Morality is often guided by ethics, values, and norms, whereas immorality involves actions that are considered unethical, harmful, or in violation of societal norms.

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