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A seed is grown in the ground to grow a plant. A nut has a seed in the sheel that can be eaten.

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Q: What is the difference between nuts and seeds?
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What is the difference between a nut and a fruit?

A nut has a hard shell and a fruit is normally soft on the out side with seeds or pips in the middle.

What is the difference between apple seeds and sunflower seeds?

they are different seeds.

What is difference between pine nuts and pignoli nuts?

Both are the same

Are all seeds nuts?

All nuts are seeds but not all seeds are nuts. One famous example the Castor Bean.

What is the difference between deer nuts and beer nuts?

beer nuts are $1.50 and deer nuts are under a buck.

Do magpies eat seeds and nuts?

yes magpies eat seeds and nuts

Are seeds on strawberries nuts or seeds?

The seeds on strawberries are seeds.

Are nuts considered seeds?

No, they are seeds.

Is a snack a decomposer?

No, nuts are not decomposers. They are products of plants (producers), making them food.

What is the difference between a peanut and a monkey nut?

There is no difference. Monkey nut is another name for peanuts, as are goober peas, ground nuts (or earth nuts) and pig nuts.

What is the difference between plants that make seeds and plants that do not make seeds?

one makes seeds and another does not make seeds

What is the difference between a soy bean and a soy nut?

All nuts are also seeds. However, all seeds are not nuts. A seed is the embryonic form of a plant, that if sowed can produce a new plant. A nut is defined as a single seed encased in a hard shell. Peanuts are also considered nuts even though they usually come two seeds to the shell. And, sunflower seeds are not considered nuts, even though they have a hard shell. So clearly, this answer is in need of improvement. Some people are allergic to some nuts, like peanuts, but seed allergies are rare. People who are allergic need to avoid the nuts they are allergic to because the allergy can cause death.