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Q: What is the difference between phased and fixed in halo reach forge mode?
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In halo reach how do make weapons freeze in place?

Go to forge get da object put it on phased or fixed and then....TA DA!

How do you forge glue in halo reach?

if you spawn a object then press x there should be a option that says phisics theres normal fixed and phased use phase often it helps ;)

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If you are talking about in forge mode then all you have to do is press X (on default controls) while holding or targeting the object and where it says "Normal", scroll through the options until you reach "Fixed" or "Phased". Fixed mode will allow objects to float in the air, and Phased will allow most objects to pass through each other (weapons and some other things won't go through stuff). NOTE: this only is available in forge

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How do you move a killball in halo reach?

well the best way to move a kill ball is by moving it around in forge. but if you are in a game and need to move it, some grenades and other things that go boom will move the kill ball. that also depends wether the kill ball was set to phased, fixed or normal. if the kill ball's physics is set to normal then it can be moved by the means of explosives. if it phased or fixed then it will not move at all.

How do you be a flying gun in forge in halo reach?

to make a weapon float in forge- wen you grab onto the weapon hit the x button and set phisics to phased

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In Halo Reach forge what is the point of the fixed setting?

So if you place it down it will not move no matter what happens to it.

What is the halfway point between Appleton WI and Pigeon Forge TN?

There are 667.376 miles between Appleton, Wi. and Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

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Valley Forge was not a battle. the Continental Army camped there over the winter between 1777 and1778.

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