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Q: What is the difference between program counter and memory address register?
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5 What it is the basic difference between a register and a counter?

register has the same clock. counter do not need to have the same clock.

Difference between program counter and instruction pointer?

There isn't any difference. Two different words forexactly same thing. Third way to call it is instruction address register.

Difference between a counter and a register?

A register can hold data, and it can be used for temporary storage or, in the case of an accumulator, it can participate in arithmetic or logical operations. A counter is a special case of a register. Usually, it can only be loaded, stored, or incremented, or used for the stack or as the program counter.

What is the function of the program counter register?

The function of the program counter register is to hold the address of the instruction that is being executed and (later) to hold the address of the instruction that will be executed next.

Which CPU register holds address for memory?

The program counter (PC) and the stack pointer (SP).

How does the Fetch Decode Execute work?

The program counter in the processor holds the address of the next instruction needed from main memory. The program counter copies its contents into the memory address register. The memory address register then sends the address along the address bus to main memory and the contents of the memory location specified by the address are sent along the data bus to the memory buffer register. The contents of the memory buffer register are then copied to the current instruction register where they are decoded and executed.

How does fetch decode cycle work?

The program counter in the processor holds the address of the next instruction needed from main memory. The program counter copies its contents into the memory address register. The memory address register then sends the address along the address bus to main memory and the contents of the memory location specified by the address are sent along the data bus to the memory buffer register. The contents of the memory buffer register are then copied to the current instruction register where they are decoded and executed.

How does fetch decode execute cycle work?

The program counter in the processor holds the address of the next instruction needed from main memory. The program counter copies its contents into the memory address register. The memory address register then sends the address along the address bus to main memory and the contents of the memory location specified by the address are sent along the data bus to the memory buffer register. The contents of the memory buffer register are then copied to the current instruction register where they are decoded and executed.

What is the Process (Fetch Decode Execute Store)?

The program counter in the processor holds the address of the next instruction needed from main memory. The program counter copies its contents into the memory address register. The memory address register then sends the address along the address bus to main memory and the contents of the memory location specified by the address are sent along the data bus to the memory buffer register. The contents of the memory buffer register are then copied to the current instruction register where they are decoded and executed.

What does program counter contain?

Program counter is a processor register that indicates where a computer is in its program sequence. It contains the address of the memory location.

What is the difference between the instruction location counter and the program counter?

The Instruction Location Counter is a variable inside of the assembler. While the Program Counter is a register. The PC solely keeps track of the next instruction in a program, ILC increments by each instruction's operand length.

What is the function of program counter?

program counter is a register that has the address of next instruction that has to be executed after currently executing instruction. it is used for proper execution of functions of computer by providing address of next instruction to microprocessor.