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Algerian sugar cookies contain semolina flour not regular unbleached sifted flour like most kitchens.

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Q: What is the difference between reglar sugar cookies and Algerian Sugar Cookies?
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The difference is water is a ligid and cookies aern't. When you make cookies with sugar in them the sugar doesn'y dissolve like it dissolves in the cookies.

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the difference between melting sugar in water or baking cookies with sugar in them is that if you bake cookies with sugar in them you making sugar cookies and melting sugar on water is mixing things together

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Pretty much the same that happens during the baking of other types of cookies. But there are certain things in the recipe and directions which do make the difference between crisp cookies and other types. The amount of fat in the recipe, the length of time baked, as well as how thin or flat the cookies are before baking are things which can make the difference between crisp cookies and other types of cookies

When baking cookies What is the difference between shortening and butter?

When you're baking cookies, if you use shortening instead of butter, your cookies come out higher. They don't spread as much as they do with butter, so your cookies turn out like the ones in the pictures instead of flat.

What cookie starts with an h?

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Cookies that start with the letter S?

Sugar cookies Shortbread cookies Sponge cookies Sandwich cookies Strawberry filled cookies Sprinkled cookies

What is the difference between sugar cookies and shortbread cookies?

No, sugar cookies and shortbread cookies are not the same. Shortbread cookies have more butter than sugar cookies and do not have eggs or a leavening agent (such as baking powder) in them.

What is the different between cookies and history?

Well, you eat cookies, and I sure hope you don't eat history. I know one similarity. You can make cookies and you can make history. Or you can make history by making really good cookies. Or you can make historical cookies. Or you can eat cookies while making history. Or you can eat history while making cookies.

What is the difference between batch and continuous process?

If you think of baking cookies it is rather simple. When you make a batch of cookies, you usually make and bake many cookies at a time, which like it sounds is a batch process. A continuous process would be making and baking one cookie at a time.

What is the difference between subject noun and subject pronouns?

A subject noun is a noun that performs the action in a sentence, while a subject pronoun is a pronoun that takes the place of the subject noun. Subject nouns are specific names or things, whereas subject pronouns like "he," "she," or "they" replace these nouns to avoid repetition in a sentence.