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It's the same thing. They are synonyms.

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Q: What is the difference between rich and wealthy?
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What is difference between wealth and knowledge?

Money Wealthy would be that you are rich and don't care about anything but your money and you. Knowledge would be that you know and/or care to learn things. The difference between them is caring. Wealthy would be that you are rich and don't care about anything but your money and you. Knowledge would be that you know and/or care to learn things. The difference between them is caring.

What is rich or being wealthy?

Rich and/or Wealthy means to have alot of money.

Is rich an adverb?

No, it is not. Rich is an adjective meaning wealthy or flavorful.

Word to describe wealthy person?

Wealthy people.Typhoon is a rich person.

What is the meaning of wealthy?

"The wealthy" is the plural noun for "wealthy", which means having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich.

Why is Bangladesh wealthy?

It was rich but pakistan is not rich

How do you spell wealthy?

That is the correct spelling of "wealthy" (rich).

What is the difference between poor and wealthy people in Nicaragua?

Umm, I might be misunderstanding your question (?), but for the most part in Nicaragua, you are rich or poor. There are not *many people that are 'in-between'. However, we all have a common need, Jesus Christ! Hope it helps!!:)

Why were class difference not important in the colonies?

the colonies were not divided into a few rich people and a large mass of poor people as in most of Europe. in the colonies, there was no royalty and no titled nobility. the difference between wealthy and poor people was less important in colonial society . A poor person could become wealthy by using knowledge, skills, and many cases, a man who was not part of the wealthy class could be elected to government position.

What is the difference between Old Money Rich and Nouveau Rich?

4 trillion

Does the constitution favor the wealthy somehow?

The Constitution is built for everybody, rich and poor. The difference is that the rich people has more conditions to manage it. Rich people has more conditions to defend themselves when any Constitution issue is involved.

What do you call a very rich person?

you call them wealthy.