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Q: What is the difference between schumans disease and scoliosis?
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Is scoliosis a disease or disorder which one or is it both what is it most?

It is a disorder not a disease, I have slight spinal scoliosis, and my friend has major spinal scoliosis.

What is a disease that starts with an s?

scoliosis ((Another: Stupidity))

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How long does Scoliosis last and why?

Scoliosis is a condition/disease of the spine, this is a lifelong condition and never goes away.Surgery can help correct curves but does not take the Scoliosis away

What disease would make a pirate walk funny?

Rickets, scoliosis.

What is the difference between plague and disease?

Plague is one form of infectious disease.

What is the difference between functional health and the absence of disease?

Disease is any change from a state of health; impaired body function.

What is the difference between disease disease?

Every disease is an illness but not every illness is a disease (A disease is not a virus, parasite, etc but an illness could be)

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The difference between HIV and AIDS is that HIV is the virus that causes the disease AIDS. You can be a carrier of the HIV virus and not contract the disease but you can infect others.

Is there any difference between coronary heart disease and coronary artery disease?

No. They are synonymous terms.

Is scoliosis a disability disease disorder or all?

scoliosis is a disability because it impares your ability in certain postures, also causes stress when carrying shopping and sleeping etc.

Is scoliosis a disease or a disorder?

Scoliosis is a condition which results from asymmetrical growth of the vertebral bodies._______________From Dr. Lamantia:Yes, it is a disease. Scoliosis is most commonly found in female adolescents between the ages 12 and 14. However scoliosis may also develop in adulthood as a secondary condition to injury or degenerative arthritis. Non surgical treatments such as the spinecor brace-- looks like this (see phtos: http:/, or an exercise method such as the Schroth Method (see photos http:/ are the best treatments available today.