

What is the difference between soy meat and regular meat?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Soy is vegetable while regular meat is animal muscle

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Q: What is the difference between soy meat and regular meat?
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There is no difference. Both are completely acceptable and can be used interchangeably.

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Soy protein is the protein that is extracted from soybeans.

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Soy un padre.If you want to stress that it's you that's a father, "I'ma father," it's "Yo soy un padre."The difference between "Soy" and "Yo soy" is the same difference between the English equivalents "I'm" and "I am".

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Yes, soy sauce in a packet can be treated the same as soy sauce in a bottle. Soy sauce in a packet can be used to marinate meat.

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You can buy meat substitutes made of soy, such as soy dogs, soy sausage, soy "bacon", soy jerky, etc.

What is the use of soy?

Soy is commonly used as a meat substitute for vegetarians. Soy is also as food for animals.

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a vegan food pyramid cancels out meat, dairy, and eggs. this is so because vegans only eat nuts, fruit, vegetables, wheat, and soy.

Can Pescetarians drink Soy milk?

Yes, there's no meat or animal products in soy milk.

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Orange, soy, meat.

What's the difference between Whey protein and regular protein?

whey protein is a higher quality protein than regular whey, milk, egg or soy. And because whey is packed full of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) - leucine, isoleucine, valine - it may help preserve lean muscle tissue between workouts or when dieting.

Where to buy dry soy meat?

you can buy druy soy meat at the groceries if not in the market where there are plnety of vegetable that are sold. those stands that are selling organic product are produce from farms.