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Q: What is the difference between star burst galaxies and a regular galaxies?
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What is the difference between a macro burst and a micro burst?


What is the difference between a stroke and a subdural hematoma?

Hematoma is a bruise, stroke is burst vessel in the brain.

What is the difference between water pressure and air pressure to burst silicon radiator hose?

It will be the same pressure that burst the silicon radiator hose whether you use water or air to burst it. The difference is probably the hose is designed for use with pressured water or use with compressed air.

What is the difference between the shape from the solid form ice and the liquid form?

Water expands when turning to ice (which is why water pipes can burst in winter). So the difference is in volume (size).

What is the difference between the terms burst pressure and working pressure?

Working pressure refers to the maximum safe *operating* pressure. Burst pressure refers to the actual point at which the vessel containing said pressure will fail. Operating pressures normally have a "buffer zone" between itself and burst pressure, to insure no sudden spikes or variations cause failure leading to injury.

What is the difference between monsoon burst and monsoon break?

Burst of monsoons: the phenomena when the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for several days are known as burst of the monsoons. Break in monsoons: Monsoons are interspersed with rainless intervals which are related to the movement of the monsoon trough. These wet and dry spells in the monsoons are known as break in monsoons.

Which is difference between PC games fairlight flt and reloaded for example naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 full burst?

The difference between Fairlight or FLT and Ninja Storm 3 is the game content, one is escaping from a castle and one is fighting ninjas.

What is the difference between the US Army Alpha Black and Alpha Black with egrip?

The standard alpha black is semi auto mechanical. The egrip is electrically assisted with full auto and burst.

What is the difference between fast twitch and slow twitch muscles?

Fast-twitch fibers can deliver a quick burst of power.Slow-twitch fibers can maintain a contraction for a longer time! -Apex :]

What is the difference between ar15 m4 m16?

AR 15 - semi-automatic only M16 - depending on variant capable of full auto or burst fire. Will also fire semi-auto.

What is rx level sub?

It is the downlink level received when DTX (discontinous reception) is enabled. It is difference from Rx level full is that in full values are calculated when all the burst includin silent burst are considered but in sub values silent burst are ignored

What happens when an alternating potential difference is applied across a primary coil of a transformer?

burn or burst