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Termites are insects somehow comparable to ants or bees also forming huge colonies. Adult termites have legs and maggots do not. Maggots are the larves from flies for example, after they hatch from an eggs. Maggots can live on their own in cheese, meat or in open wounds when the egg is layed on it. Those maggots later build a capsule in which they transform into a new fly. The termite queens lays eggs from which larves hatch. Termite larves are fed by other termites. Search for more information development of bees, wasps, bumble bees or Vespa crabro.

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16y ago
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11y ago


First of all, in terms of body parts, the praying mantis and the termite are very different; the mantis has a prolonged prothorax (which is described by some as the "neck"), and a much smaller meta- and mesothorax which are usually covered by the wings in most species. The termite on the other hand has a much "stubbier" prothorax and (in terms of the female workers) a meta- and mesothorax not covered by wings as it is wingless. as well as having two long arm like forearms used to trap prey the mantis has a distinctly triangular head with powerful mandibles (cutting mouthparts) almost hidden by the labrum (lip like mouthpart) its eyes also almost completely cover the head and face forward for accurate depth of field judgement. The general worker termite has a very rounded, sometimes slightly prolonged head with small relatively simple compound eyes. The termite is usually coloured brown or beige (in most species) and the praying mantis coloration varies massively pretty much from black to white and from red to violet depending on the species.

The termite relies on a giant infrastructure in which it plays its part along with thousands (<usually) of other termites (the colony). The mantis is solitary (lives on its own) and if it does in fact interact with another mantis, one will eat the other.

Despite these very noticeable visual differences, they are in fact both very closely related and share the same external and internal organs but are just shaped very differently


A mantis is a predator, long gangly body usually with wings in the adult (most species) with rasp like forelegs for catching prey, solitary (lives on its own).

A termite feeds predominantly on wood and fungi, it lives in large colonies and is very small, robustly built and wingless (worker females).

Apologies if it didnt answer what you were looking for

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10y ago

Yes they do. just like maggots and they live in the wood.

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15y ago

It would differ,of the tick being an arachnid and the ant being an insect.

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14y ago

The swarmers resemble flying ants. There antennae are straight vs elbowed, their bodies are a tube vs (3) segments & their wings are different.

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9y ago

One of the main differences between bees and termites is that termites primarily eat dead plants. Bees feed off of the pollen and nectar of fresh flowers.

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4y ago

Ants are usually black, dark brown or reddish brown. Termites are usually white and can spit acid, while ants defend by biting and/or stinging.

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What do termite look like and do they look like bees I have large very large flying things?

They kind of look like ants but lighter color and wings. Some are white as well. Depend what country you live in and the area