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There are many differences. Here are a few:

Arabic letters are connected. Latin letters are not.

Arabic is written right-to-left. Latin is written left-to-write.

The Arabic alphabet has no vowels. Latin does.

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Q: What is the difference between the Arabic Alphabet and the Latin alphabet?
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The Fifth letter in Arabic alphabet is "ج" that equal to G or J in English langauge

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The first letter in the Arabic alphabet is called "alif". It's written like this in Arabic: أ

Is the Cyrillic alphabet based on Arabic?

No. It is based on the Greek alphabet.

What is the Persian alphabet?

A modified version of the Arabic alphabet is used for Persian. It is the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet, plus 4 additional letters used only in Persian.

What is a previous former a alphabet?

If you are asking what it means, it refers to an alphabet that has been replaced by a newer alphabet. If you are asking for an example: The Turkish alphabet was written with Arabic letters prior to 1927. Then it switched over to the Latin alphabet. The Arabic version would be considered the "Former" alphabet of Turkish.

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Does the Maltese language use the Arabic alphabet?

no. It uses the Latin Alphabet.

Who is the creator of Arabic alphabet?

The Arabic Alphabet was not created by one person. It was a slow evolution from the Phoenician alphabet and developed in the Hejaz region in the early first millennium.

What are the languages in the Persian alphabet?

The persian alphabet is in only one language: Persian.It is an adaptation of the Arabic alphabet with some extra letters for sounds that don't occur in Arabic.

Which is the world's most coolest alphabet?

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