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The continental shelf is a flattish area which extends from the shore out into the ocean and is made of continental crust. This ends in a slope (the continental slope) which descends to the abyssal plane, which is made of oceanic crust.

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Q: What is the difference between continental shelf and slope?
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The continental shelf starts from the shore to a few miles out with less gradient of slope. The continental slope starts after shelf-break with a higher slope gradient, then follows the continental rise and abyssal-plain.

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The continental rise is between the continental shelf and the abyssal plain.LittoralLitoral (alternative spelling)Intertidal

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The area between the shoreline and the continental slope is known as the continental shelf. It is a relatively shallow, flat or gently sloping underwater landmass that extends from the shoreline to the beginning of the continental slope. The continental shelf is an important zone for marine life and for human activities such as fishing, oil and gas exploration, and shipping.

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Continental shelf.

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