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Cower is an action word; it is a verb. You say that a person will cower in the corner when afraid. Coward is a noun, describing the sort of person who would cower in the corner. John is a coward. He cowers in the corner when the dog barks.

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Q: What is the difference between the meanings and usage of cower and coward?
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What part of speech is the word cowered?

The word cowered is a verb. It is the past tense of the verb cower which means to crouch in fear.Did you mean the word coward? A coward is a noun and someone who lacks courage.

What noun is formed from coward?

The word 'coward' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for aperson who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.Related noun forms are cowardliness, cowardice.

Is coward a verb?

No, coward is a noun; but cowered, which sounds the same, is a verb, the past tense of cower.1. A coward is a fearful or timid person lacking courage.(See: The link listed below for the definition of coward)2. To cower is to shrink back from or hide in fear. "The coward [n] cowered [v] in the corner."(See: The link listed below for the definition of cowered)"Coward" and "cowered" are homophones - words that are spelled differently but pronounced alike. They actually come from different roots: coward ultimately from Latin cauda, and cower probably from Middle Low German kūren.

What is the adverb of cowardice?

The closest adverb form of the word "cowardice" is cowardly.An example sentence is: "he cowardly hid under his bed from the butterfly that had flew into his room".

What is another way to spell coward?

The other word with the same pronunciation is the related verb "cowered", (to cower), meaning shrank down, or back, in fear). This is the same idea as the noun.

What rhymes with hours?

Power, shower, tower, our, cower, flower, flour, devour, sour, scour.Eisenhower, dower, bower, wow her, out her, trouser, flouter, shouter, doubter, router, pouter,power,coward,tower,flower, sour, cower, how'r (as in how are)

What word family is cower in?

The word "cower" belongs to the word family of "coward" or "cowardice," all related to showing fear or timidity.

What is a sentence using the word cower?

All the girl could do was cower in fear.The boy would cower anytime he saw a spider.When you cower, you try to make yourself physically smaller.

What rhymes with cower?

Words that rhyme with cower include:dourflourglowerhourpowersourtowerNOTE: The 'ou' sound in these specific words match the 'ower' sound in cower.

What is the last part of audacious is to cower as what is to what?

Audacious is to cower as timid is to tremble.

How do you use the word cower in a sentence?

The small child began to cower in fear when he saw the thunderstorm approaching.

A sentence for the word cower?

The children cower in the corner after being disciplined. To survive the tornado and remain safe, the family chose to cower in a corner of their basement.