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Q: What is the difference between the meanings of the words 'economy' and 'environment'?
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The difference between market economy and mixed economy is that a marked economy is a marked economy and a mixed economy is a mixed economy

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The difference is that Economy is a system and Economics is the study of something.

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The difference is that Economy is a system and Economics is the study of something.

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In a mixed economy, there are more government regulations.

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The difference between US beef and local beef is that the local beef is a bit fresher. The local beef is better for the environment and local economy as well.

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The Philippines is not nearly as industrialized. The economy is unstable.

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Who gives a f**k. Nobody cares about the economy. If you do you are a ho**

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There is no functional difference; they are the same thing, though they may be applied to differentiate between economic activity between certain groups of states and the world as a whole.

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