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That the conjugation of the verb "to be" is employed with other numbers whereas that of the verb "to have" is used for age is the difference between the two when talking about age in Italian. Essere ("to be") therefore describes time whereas avere ("to have") identifies the number of days, months, or years old that an organism is. Facere ("to do," "to make") will be used in mathematical situations.

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6mo ago

In Italian, the verb 'to be' (essere) is used to express someone's age. For example, you would say "Ho 25 anni" (I am 25 years old) and not "Ho 25 anni" (I have 25 years). So, when talking about age in Italian, the verb 'to be' is used instead of 'to have'.

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Q: What is the difference between the verb 'to be' and 'to have' when talking about your age in Italian?
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