

Best Answer

first and for most you will notice that the King James Bible is a translated English speaking version like most all other Christian bible you will read. The Catholic is not a version, It is The Bible. What other religion has their stamp on a book could the bible? The real question is, if no words are to be added, subtracted or altered from this book and the Catholic bible was the first one, What should you be reading? What should you be following if your a Christian?

Another Answer:

I must disagree with the above as the Catholic Bible is a version starting with the Vulgate and at the time of the KJV, they used the Duoay-Rheims. Additionally, the original Divinely Inspired Bible has 7 Sections and 49 Book which corresponds with the number of Completion (7) in Bible Numerology. The KJV has 66 books and the Catholic's have 73 - These additional books are found in the Catholic Bible: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, and I & II Maccabees.

The Latin or Vulgate has translated 'Paschal' or Passover as Easter and so did the KJV in error. When they were trying to prove their 'trinity theory' it appears a 'footnote' of the text of 1 John 5:7 made it into the text. These words do NOT appear in any Greek manuscript (language of the NT) before the 16th century. It is then clear to the writer that early Trinitarian teachers of the Roman Catholic Church (of which I was raised and schooled in as is my family still) were at a loss to find biblical substantiation for their teaching that they resorted to ADDING words to the text!!

Adding text (plus verses/chapters in Esther/Daniel) mainly by Church Father Jerome, and being 1st in book form does NOT make it the true message of Scripture that anyone should be reading, sorry :)

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Is the king James Bible more reliable than the study Bibles?

Study Bibles come in most translations of the Bible, including the King James Version, and are not a translation in themselves. They have notes and information to complement, illuminate, and expand upon the text of the Bible.

How many times is conversation recorded in the Bible?

Actually, it differs from version to version. Far more conversations are recorded in the Catholic Bible (known by scholars as the Vulgate Bible) due to the fact that additional books are included in the Catholic Bible (which are considered to be apocrypha, and are not included in the Bibles of the various protestant Christian faiths. The Lutheran Bible records more conversation than the Bibles written in English (whether the King James Bible or the New Standard Version or any of them in between) because the Lutheran Bible was written in German, which has lengthier sentences (due to German grammatical structure). So, in summary, the Catholic Bible has the most recorded conversations, followed by the Lutheran Bible, then followed by the various Bibles written in English.

Why is Maccabees not in the King James version Bibles?

The Apocrypha, which includes 1 and 2 Maccabees, was in the original King James Version of 1611, but was omitted in 1666.

Names of the versions of the Bible?

Jewish Bible (Old Testament only), Septuagint Bible (First time that the entire Old Testament was translated from Hebrew into Greek, in Alexandria, Egypt. Vulgate Bible (the Catholic Bible, tranlated into Latin,with extra or "apocryphal" books not contained in the Protestant Bibles). Lutheran Bible (translated from Latin into German). King James Bible (translated from Latin into English). NIV Bible, and many other Protestant Bibles. Also, many Bibles translated into a number of modern foreign languages.

How many times the word sacrifice appear in bible?

The word appears in the Bibles 205 times in the (KJV) King James Version

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The Catholic Bible includes the Apocyra, which are Jewish religious books. These Jewish books are not recogonized as being authentic by most Jews, so they are left out of Jewish Holy books and Protestant (King James) Bibles.

Are all meanings the same in the King James and Catholic bibles?

No, the King James Bible and Catholic Bible are not identical in terms of meanings. There are differences in translation choices, interpretation of certain passages, and inclusion of certain books. These variations can lead to differences in understanding and emphasis on certain theological beliefs.

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James I of England was Protestant not Catholic.

Is Christian Mentioned In King James Version of the Bible?

Yes, i am a Christain and i use a King James version. That is what King James bibles were made for-i think.

Is the king James Bible more reliable than the study Bibles?

Study Bibles come in most translations of the Bible, including the King James Version, and are not a translation in themselves. They have notes and information to complement, illuminate, and expand upon the text of the Bible.

How many times is conversation recorded in the Bible?

Actually, it differs from version to version. Far more conversations are recorded in the Catholic Bible (known by scholars as the Vulgate Bible) due to the fact that additional books are included in the Catholic Bible (which are considered to be apocrypha, and are not included in the Bibles of the various protestant Christian faiths. The Lutheran Bible records more conversation than the Bibles written in English (whether the King James Bible or the New Standard Version or any of them in between) because the Lutheran Bible was written in German, which has lengthier sentences (due to German grammatical structure). So, in summary, the Catholic Bible has the most recorded conversations, followed by the Lutheran Bible, then followed by the various Bibles written in English.

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No, King James was a Protestant.

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James Culnan Catholic School was created in 1970.

Why is Maccabees not in the King James version Bibles?

The Apocrypha, which includes 1 and 2 Maccabees, was in the original King James Version of 1611, but was omitted in 1666.

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Names of the versions of the Bible?

Jewish Bible (Old Testament only), Septuagint Bible (First time that the entire Old Testament was translated from Hebrew into Greek, in Alexandria, Egypt. Vulgate Bible (the Catholic Bible, tranlated into Latin,with extra or "apocryphal" books not contained in the Protestant Bibles). Lutheran Bible (translated from Latin into German). King James Bible (translated from Latin into English). NIV Bible, and many other Protestant Bibles. Also, many Bibles translated into a number of modern foreign languages.

What is the King James Bible HE SHE Bible 1611?

There was a proofreading error in the first printing, where Ruth was referred to be the pronoun "he." The proofreader who stood next to the press and read the pages as they came off noticed the mistake and the page was reset. Bibles printed before the correction were "he" bibles and the corrected edition were "she" bibles.