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In the New Testament of The Bible, it speaks of twelve explicit followers of Jesus. They were chosen exclusively by Jesus during His walk on the earth. Sometimes these specific men are called the twelve disciples and sometimes they are called the twelve apostles ~ In this there is no difference.

However, a disciple is anyone who follows another's teachings. There are hundreds of people who were disciples of Jesus. Anyone who follows the teachings of Jesus is his disciple.

The word "disciple" means student. The word "apostle" means one who is sent out. The 12 disciples were Jesus' students,. After He died and rose from the dead, He sent them out to preach the gospel to the world; at this point they became both disciples and apostles.


May I clarify the word Apostle. An Apostle is one who has been ordained a Prophet, Seer and Revelator. Peter, James and John were ordained to be head of the new church when Christ returned to His Father. It was Peter who held all of the keys to the priesthood which he delegated certain responsibilities to the other eleven Apostles. i.e giving them the authority to act in that calling. But Peter still held all of the keys. Only one man may hold all of the keys which are then passed on to the next head of the church.

When all of the Apostles were killed the keys no longer remained upon the earth. The Bishops of the churches scattered abroad did not have the authority to ordain other Apostles. There had to be a restoration of all things. Constantine, who proclaimed himself head of the church held no authority to the keys.


Many are called but few are chosen.

We are all called to be disciples but God chooses whom to be an Apostle.

If man calls himself to be an Apostle then he has not seen God and he will come to nothing and will have no power for you shall know them by there fruit.

The keys are still here in the earth because Christ is here and he will give the keys to whom ever he chooses let no man deceive you of this truth for he is anti-Christ who will deceive you the devil would have you think that he has the keys and that he has given the keys to one man who is the head of the church.

The keys is that which open the door to whom Jesus is and who you are in Christ.

If God has opened that door then no man can close it.


This question cannot be answered properly because they were not referred to in that manner. Jesus appointed the 12 they were Apostles and he referred them to disciples as well. I don.t remember them ever being referred to collectively as the 12 disciples but they were one at a time: John 18:17 "You are not one of his disciples, are you?" or as the 12 but not the 12 disciples.

One addional apostle was added later to replace Judas Iscariot to fulfill scripture and then the thirteenth later was added, Paul by Jesus himself as an Apostle to the Gentile's

So this question is basically irrelevant, do not forget the most important thing: To believe >>. Jesus is Lord, he died and arose from the dead, and his shead blood atones for our sins and all that call on the name of the Lord and believe will be saved. By Grace we are saved. Don't argue about little tidbits of words.

Answer - personal training

Jesus personally chose and trained 12 followers_("disciples") from among the many who followed Him. These 12 had been personally trained by Jesus, and when their training was complete they were called Apostles because they were personally "sent out" by Jesus. All followers are disciples but the only disciples entitled to call themselves "Apostles" are those who were personally appointed by Jesus Christ.

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12y ago

The word 'apostle' comes from the Greek meaning 'sending out' or 'messenger'. Therefore when the followers of Christ went out to proclaim the gospel the became known as apostles - messengers sent out to proclaim the good news.

The word 'disciple' comes from the word 'discipulos' meaning 'follower', and so when the disciples were following Jesus around, learning from his teaching and so on, and before the went out to proclaim the gospel themselves, they can be referred to as ''disciples'.

Of course, the word 'disciple' is usually used only of the 12 who accompanied Jesus in his mission. However, we mustn't forget that Jesus also had the '72' who were sent out to tell the surrounding villages of his coming, and also many other followers (like Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Mary, Martha and Lazarus of Bethany, and so on) all of which could be termed his 'disciples'.

Paul, however, refers too himself as an Apostle, not a disciple, as, on his conversion, he immediately began his missionary work to roclaim the good news.

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12y ago

The word 'disciple' simply means follower in the sense of 'understudy'. 'Apostle' literally means 'sent one.' Jesus had many disciples, but the twelve especially chosen ones are specifically called the 12 Disciples. Those twelve became the 12 Apostles (with Judas being replaced by the Apostle Paul). Apostle is a more technical term for the 12 Disciples, after Jesus rose from the dead and "sent them out carry the Gospel to the world. There are only 12 Apostles because they are the only ones specifically handpicked and sent out by Jesus Himself (this is why Paul says he was "untimely born," 1 Cor. 15:8). The church does not have apostles today---there were only 12, just like there were only 12 tribes of Israel in the Old Testament. One the other hand, though, every Christian is a disciple of Christ. Often, though, we do speak of the 12 Disciples or 12 Apostles interchangeably.

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Yes. Most certainly yes.

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