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A goiter is inflammation of the thyroid gland, also known as the thyroid gland becoming enlarged. Meanwhile, a thyroid nodule is a lump in or on the thyroid gland.

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Q: What is the difference between a goiter and nodule of the thyroid?
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Why is your thyroid enlarged?

Sometimes the thyroid can become enlarged due to a goiter, a thyroid nodule, or a thyroid adenoma. A goiter is inflammation of the thyroid gland. A thyroid nodule is a lump in or on the thyroid gland. And when there's an overgrowth of normal thyroid tissues, this is commonly referred to as a thyroid adenoma.

What is the difference between a fluid- filled nodule and solid nodule?

A thyroid nodule is a lump in or on the thyroid gland. Nodules can be caused by a simple overgrowth of normal thyroid tissue, fluid-filled cysts, inflammation, or a tumor. When there's an overgrowth of normal thyroid tissues, this is commonly referred to as a thyroid adenoma. Thyroid adenomas sometimes form as a result of degenerated cysts, or fluid-filled cavities, in the thyroid.

What is multi nodular goiter -bilaterally?

A goiter is a swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck. Nodules are small bumps inside the gland which may be malignant or benign. A person may have one nodule on one or both sides of their thyroid gland, or they may have multiple nodules on one or both sides of their thyroid gland. Bilaterally means - both sides.

What does a heterogeneous hypervascular thyroid nodule mean?

Goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland. Nodules are growths that lead to the enlargements. Multinodular means that there are many nodules. Heterogeneous means that there is no pattern to the nodules. it is a benign condition.

Who nodule is more dangerous hot nodule or cold nodule?

Only a doctor can order the tests to determine if any thyroid nodule is dangerous. A thyroid uptake scan will help your doctor determine if your thyroid is hot (active) or cold (inactive).

What does it mean if a thyroid nodule is vascular?

There's blood supply inside of it not just leading to it

What is the pathophysiology of goiter?

PathophysiologyThe histopathology varies with etiology and age of the goiter. Initially, uniform follicular epithelial hyperplasia (diffuse goiter) is present with an increase in thyroid mass. As the disorder persists, the thyroid architecture loses uniformity, with the development of areas of involution and fibrosis interspersed with areas of focal hyperplasia. This process results in multiple nodules (multinodular goiter). On nuclear scintigraphy, some nodules are hot, with high isotope uptake (autonomous) or cold, with low isotope uptake, compared with the normal thyroid tissue. The development of nodules correlates with the development of functional autonomy and reduction in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. Clinically, the natural history of a nontoxic goiter is growth, nodule production, and functional autonomy resulting in thyrotoxicosis in a minority of patients.Signs / symptomsdyspneastridorHemorrhagebronchitisdysphagia.hoarseness.facial plethoraand dilated neck veins

What does a hypoechoic nodule in soft tissues mean?

A thyroid nodule is simply a mass in your thyroid. Hyperechoic is a term used in ultrasound which determines how bright or dark the nodule is. Ultrasound is all black, white, and gray scales, so a hyperechoic nodule would be a mass in the thyroid that is BRIGHTER than the rest of the thyroid tissue.

What is a subcentimeter solid hypoechoic thyroid nodule?

This is an ultrasound report that is saying that the thyroid that was scanned has a solid nodule that is just a little under 1/2 inch in diameter and doesn't show up as well compared to the surrounding tissue..

What is an isthmal nodule found in the thyroid gland?

It is a mistake. The isthmus of the thyroid gland is a thin bridge across the trachea, linking the right and left lobes. It occasionally also gives rise to the pyramidal lobe, a normal variant of thyroid anatomy. The adjectival form of isthmus is isthmic, so a nodule in the thyroid isthmus is an isthmic nodule, not an isthmal nodule.

What does a isoechoic nodule with partial hypoechoic halo mean in a thyroid ultrasound?

What is Hypoechoic to Isoechoic Nodule

Why is benign thyroid disease so important to treat?

A benign thyroid condition is important to treat because it can still impact the overall health and function of the thyroid gland. There might also be a root cause as to why there is the benign condition. As long as a goiter, thyroid nodule, or thyroid adenoma are benign, not growing or causing symptoms such as a cough or difficulty to swallow or breathe, it will be monitored through diagnostic testing and ultrasounds.