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Q: What is the difference in male friendship than a female friendship?
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The difference is that a female has a white bottom and a male does not.

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The main difference is size. The male is larger than the female

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A female bicycle have bigger seat than the male bicycle. That's how you know the difference.

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The males are smaller than the female

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A normal male has both male & female hormones. But male hormones are predominantly higher than female hormones male eunuch female hormones are more than normal giving him female characteristics normal female,both hormones are there but female hormones are predominantly higher than male hormones female eunuchs male hormones are higher than normal.

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The female Tasmanian devil is much smaller than the male, but apart from that, there is little difference between the two, aside from the obvious difference of male and female reproductive organs. The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial, and the female therefore has a pouch in which she rears her young.

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females tend to be much larger than males.

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Other than their reproductive organs, which are not visible, male and female jays have the same appearance.

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The female vocal cords are thinner and shorter than the male vocal cords

What is better a female or male turkey?

Female turkeys are smaller than male domestic turkeys. Wild turkeys have the same size difference but the difference is not as great. See the links below.