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Q: What is the difference in temperature between inside and outside a greenhouse?
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What is the optimum relative humidity range in a greenhouse?

that depends on the temperature outside the greenhouse and the size of the greenhouse ect..

Why does the windshield of a car fog up?

The presence of high humidity, and a difference in temperature between the inside and outside.

What temperature must it be outside for a balloon to float?

Outside temperature is largely immaterial. It is really the difference between the temperature inside and outside of the balloon envelope that generates the lift. If both are exactly the same, then the balloon will simply fall under gravity -- it has no buoyancy. As the inside temperature increases, so does its buoyancy. Eventually, the difference will be sufficient to overcome gravity, and the greater the difference, the faster it will rise. When the optimum altitude is achieved, the air inside is allowed to cool to an optimum level to maintain that altitude; the optimum temperature will vary according to the outside temperature and the weight of the balloon. The outside temperature will vary according to altitude, as will air pressure outside of the balloon, therefore there is no single answer to the question. It is the difference in temperature that is important, not the actual temperature.

What is the healthy temperature difference between inside of an air conditioned home to the outside air temperature?

Regardless of what region you live in the industry is driven by the temperature considered comfortable by the consumer. Generally that would be between 65 and 80 degrees.

Is there a difference between an inside and outside barrel?

No, there is no difference between an inside and outside barrel. Doran is an idiot

What is the difference between frog outside nostrils and human outside nostrils?

there is no difference

How do snakes and crocodiles able to adopt the temperature difference?

Snakes and crocodiles are reptiles. They are cold blooded animals. They can actually change their body temperature by becoming hotter when the outside temperature is warm and colder when the outside temperature is cool. This helps them to adapt to temperature difference.

Why do you feel cool after bath explain?

This is because your shower is usually hot. The water temperature of the shower is most likely higher or warmer than the outside temperature. Therefore your skin picks up the temperature difference between the shower and the outside temp. and then the skin picks up signals which links to your brain to tell you that it is colder on the outside. hope this helps!!!

The outside temperature is -8c and the inside is 20c what is the difference in temperature?

A temperature of 20 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to a temperature of -6.67 degrees Celsius.

What is the main difference between the outside and the inside of bone?

The main difference between the outside and inside of bone is; the inside of a bone is bone mallow, whereas the outside of a bone is covered by flesh.

What is the main difference between the inside and the outside of bone?

The main difference between the outside and inside of bone is; the inside of a bone is bone mallow, whereas the outside of a bone is covered by flesh.

What is the main difference between the outside and inside of bone?

The main difference between the outside and inside of bone is; the inside of a bone is bone mallow, whereas the outside of a bone is covered by flesh.