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There is no difference in the origins of the nerves in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The differences come from the lengths and the neurotransmitter released. The parasympathetic nervous system is a two nerve system. The first nerve is long and releases acetyl choline. The second nerve is short and also releases acetyl choline. The sympathetic nervous system is also two nerves, the first being short and releasing acetyl choline. The second is long and releases norepinephrine.

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14y ago

The sympathetic nervous system regulates the body's "fight or flight" response. It releases Norepinephrine (NE), which increases heart rate and the contraction strength of the heart among other things. This gets the body prepared for action.

The parasympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, relaxes the body. It does this by slowing down the heart rate by releasing Acetylcholine (ACh).

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9y ago

Parasympathetic nervous system is meant for REST and DIGEST. It will contract the Pupils(Want to relax and sleep.), decrease the force and rate of contraction of heart rate , there by reducing cardiac output.(Heart should rest.) It will contract the bronchi and increase the secretions.(Not much of oxygen is required.) It will increase the secretions of salivary glands,stomach, small intestine, promote peristalsis,relax spinctures.( Wants to promote digestion.) Urinary bladder will contract and spincture is relaxed.(Have time to urinate.)

Sympathetic system is meant for FIGHT or FLIGHT RESPONSE. So pupils will dilate. ( To locate danger.) Heart rate and force of contraction will increase five fold. (25 liters/minute.) and 80% of blood will flow to muscles.(For fight or flight response.) Bronchi will dilate and secretions will decrease.(So more Oxygen should go to Lungs, needed for oxidation.) Blood supply to skin and digestive tract will be reduced. Secretions and peristalsis will decrease.( Save the life first and will digest later.) Urinary bladder will relax and spincture will contract. (No time to urinate.)
Sympathetic = Fight or Flight Parasympathetic = Rest and Digest
Both systems fall within our autonomic nervous system, which is a system that we do not have voluntary control over. The sympathetic system is also referred to as "fright, fight or flight" and it is the system that our body switches to when we are in a time of stress for example our blood pressure increases, our arteries vasoconstrict, our pupils dilate, etc. The parasympathetic nervous system is also referred to as "rest and digest" and it regulates our cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glandular tissues.
Main difference is that the parasympathetic nervous system maintains homeostasis, whereas the sympathetic nervous system manages the "fight-or-flight" response.

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9y ago

You have cranial and sacral outflow in case of parasympathetic nervous system. You have thoracic and lumber out flow in case of sympathetic nervous system. Above is anatomical difference. Functionally the post ganglionic parasympathetic nerves release acetylcholine. The post ganglionic nerves release the noradrenaline.

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9y ago

The parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system or antagonistic. They have opposing effects.

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Q: What is the difference in the origins of the nerves in the sympathetic and parasympathetic system?
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