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Q: What is the difference of hanging wall and foot wall?
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What is the difference between a hanging wall and a foot wall?

hanging wall - above one's head, foot wall - below one feet (mining definition)

When a hanging wall moves up to the footwall it is a?

reverse fault. but that is when the foot wall moves down, the hanging wall moves up. in a strike-slip fault, they slide past each other, the foot wall and hanging wall are not there because it has to be like this to be a reverse or normal fault: hanging wall ----------foot wall ----------- in this diagram, the foot wall has moved down making the hanging wall move up to form a reverse fault. remember this on tests: the hanging wall is always above the fault line: /hanging wall above foot wall below / /

Is a hanging wall the same foot wall?


How does a fault block mountain work?

there is a foot wall and a hanging wall the hanging wall slips

How would you classify a fault in which the foot wall has slid over the hanging wall?

you would call it a normal fault because the hanging wall goes down and the foot wall goes up and over the hanging wall.

What is the foot wall and hanging wall?

a hanging wall is the pieces or rock that that forms the upper half of a fault.

How are normal and reverse faults differ?

Normal faults are where the hanging wall drops in relation to the foot wall where as with the reverse fault the hanging wall is pushed higher over the foot wall.

In a reverse fault where does the hanging wall move relative of the foot wall?


What are hanging walls that moves down?

In a normal fault, the hanging wall moves down relative to the foot wall.

What is it when something occurs when the hanging wall moves down relative to the foot wall?


How does the hanging wall in a normal fault move in relation to a reverse fault?

A normal fault is a fault in which the hanging wall has moved downward relative to the footwall.

When compression causes a hanging wall to move over a foot wall it is what kind of fault?
