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Q: What is the difference of water uptake and minerals uptake?
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Which of the following is not an adaptation that enhances the uptake of water and minerals by roots?

shallow, fibrous roots

Why does the root need hairs for the uptake of water and minerals?

because absorption of water takes place by root hairs in the root

What is the difference between Ozone water and minerals water?

The difference between ozone water and mineral water is mineral water contains minerals that are beneficial to the body whereas ozone water is extremely clean and pure.

Benefit of large water uptake in plants?

A Large Mineral Uptake

A supply of carbohydrate is needed to uptake minerals by roots?

AcTiVe UpTaKe lOw CoNcEnTrAtIoN tO hIgH cOnCeNtRaTiOn EnErGy /AtP rEsPiRaTiOn........ hope I helped.........................\m/

What causes difference in water density?

the presence of minerals such as sodium cholride,magnesium etc causes the difference in ocean water ....

What is the difference between the two types of water?

the difference is that soft water contains no dissolved minerals.the hard water contains dissolved minerals

What job do the roots of a plant do?

Provides anchorage for the plant. Provides a mechanism and increased surface area for the uptake/ absorption of water and minerals for the plant.

Difference between bottled spring water and bottled mineral water?

Mineral water has minerals in it but spring water dosent.

Why does the root need root hairs for the uptake of water and minerals?

Because it increases the surface area of which the roots can absorb water allowing it to absorb more water than it can with root hairs.

Is distilled water good for dogs?

Distilled water is about the same as any other water, the only difference is that it has minerals taken out of it. It is OK for dogs, just make absolute sure that they are up to standards for minerals. Spring water is ideal for the natural minerals.

What characteristic or function all roots have in common?

All roots help to hold plants in place. They also absorb water for the plant to use, Lastly, they uptake minerals and nitrogen from the soil.