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Q: What is the differences between streetcars and automobiles?
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What transport was used in 1939?

the same as today, train, planes and automobiles as well as streetcars, busses and steam ships.

What types of mass transit were used in the 1800s?

there were important advances in transportation. streetcars, subways, automobiles, and airplanes were developed.

How were Canada's first streetcars powered?

The first streetcars in Canada were horse-drawn.

What powered the first reliable streetcars?

Steam powered the first reliable streetcars.

Who makes streetcars brand shoes?

Streetcars, Inc makes Streetcar shoes.

Where could young people interact with other with less supervision?

On Streetcars

When were Streetcars first used in the city of New Orleans?

Streetcars in the city of New Orleans in the United States of America first opened in January of 1835. These streetcars are likely to be found on Canal Street.

What are trams called in the US?

I've been to the USA, and from what I saw (and heard), they are called streetcars or trolleys, but usually streetcars.

Why does anne not ride in any streetcars?

Anne doesn't ride in any streetcars because she has a fear of them due to a traumatic experience involving a streetcar accident. This fear prevents her from using streetcars as a mode of transportation.

How did people travel in 1870s?

In 1870, people rode trains and steam-powered riverboats and ships. They rode horses and used a wide variety of horse-drawn vehicles. Of course, they could walk. There were no electric streetcars, automobiles nor airplanes.

Which of the following is not an example of pricing based on group differences in elasticity of demand?

Cash rebates for purchases of automobiles.

What is a storage place for streetcars?
