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"Post" as in to go *beyond* traditional culture (in this instance). Cannibalism might be adopted by a certain culture, but I'm sure many of us traditionalists would consider it "post-traditional".

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Traditional culture refers to customs, beliefs, and practices that have been passed down through generations within a society, often emphasizing stability and continuity. Post-traditional culture, on the other hand, marks a shift away from these established norms towards more individualistic and diverse expressions of identity and values, often influenced by globalization and modernization. This can lead to a blending of traditional and contemporary elements in cultural practices and beliefs.

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Q: What is the differences between traditional culture and post-traditional culture?
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How can similarities and differences in culture be determined?

Similarities and differences in culture can be determined by comparing aspects such as beliefs, values, traditions, language, customs, rituals, art, and social norms. Observing patterns in behavior, communication, relationships, and societal structures can also help identify similarities and differences between cultures. Overall, cultural comparisons can be made by recognizing both shared elements and unique characteristics across different societies.

What is traditional patriotism?

Traditional patriotism refers to a sense of pride and loyalty to one's country, often rooted in love for its history, culture, and values. It may involve showing support for national symbols, such as the flag or anthem, and a willingness to defend the country in times of need.

What would you do to learn the culture of?

To learn about a culture, you can immerse yourself in it by engaging with locals, participating in cultural events or festivals, trying traditional foods, visiting historical sites, and studying the language. It's important to approach the culture with an open mind and respect for its traditions and values.

The process of adapting to a new culture?

Adapting to a new culture involves being open-minded, observing local customs and behavior, and respecting differences. It also requires learning the language, engaging with the local community, and being patient with yourself as you navigate new social norms and traditions. Flexibility, empathy, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone are key to successfully adapting to a new culture.

How is Organizational culture related to the POLC function?

Organizational culture influences how the functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (POLC) are carried out within a company. The culture sets the tone for how decisions are made, how resources are allocated, how employees are motivated, and how performance is monitored. A strong alignment between organizational culture and the POLC function can lead to increased effectiveness and efficiency in achieving organizational goals.

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Much of African postcolonial literature addresses the tension between?

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Actually, French culture is dying out and being replaced by U.S. culture.

What is the Relationship and differences between culture and civilization?

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