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lions walk but bats fly

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Q: What is the different between lion and bat?
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Is there such thing as lion bat?

no there isnt

What is the difference between a man and a lion?

The different between a man and a lion is that a man walks with two feet while a lion walks with four feet

What is the difference between tennis and bat tennis?

Not much really, except the bats are different. The paddle bat is a smaller solid bat whereas the normal tennis racket has strings and is bigger.

How do you do the sand thing to get the last jewel?

bat then pig then lion then person

Are there different species between a lion and a tiger?

there is two cross breds between lions and tigers. they're ligers and tigons.

What is the name of a bat?

A bat is called 'a bat', but there are different names of bats (different species) of bats that we can all find out easily.

What differences are there between manticores and chimeras?

Manticores have the face, ears and eyes of a man, the body of a lion and a scorpion's tail. (in some depictions they also have wings of a bat) Chimeras have the head and forelegs of a lion, the body and backlegs of a goat (they also have a goat's head in the back, just where the lion part ends) and a serpent as a tail.

Who will win between a rhino and a lion?

a lion

How are a bat and an owl different?

bat is a mammal and owl is a bird

What is the difference between a bat and a bat?

you can not play cricket with a macaw!

Who will win between a lion vs a bull?


What is the difference between a white lion and a regular lion?

The main difference between a white lion and a brown lion is the colour. There are white tigewrs , but are there white lions also?