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Q: What is the different betwwen samsara and moksha?
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What do hindus want to escape?

They want Moksha.

What is the relationship between Dharma Karma Samsara Moksha and the Caste System?

The relationship between Dharma Karma Samsara, Moksha and the Caste Systemis is the accepting of the doctrine of transmigration. It was the rebirth and the complementary of Karma.

Where the soul is reunited with brahma?

moksha (escape from samsara- the cycle of re-incarnation)

What is the ultimate goal of existence?

Moksha: The liberation from samsara and the concomitant suffering involved in being subject to the cycle of repeated death and reincarnation.

The state of enlightenment which is reached when the cycle of samsara is broken?

Atman is actually the soul itself, Moksha is what your looking fot here

What is life in Hinduism and Buddhism?

Hinduism and Buddhism teach that there is a cycle of life, death, and rebirth. This cycle is called samsara, and being released from it is called moksha.

What is Brahmin's main aim in life?

Brahmin's main aim is to attain 'Moksha'. Moksha: is the liberation from samsara and the concomitant suffering involved in being subject to the cycle of repeated death and reincarnation.

Where do Hindi people go when they die?

Hinduism, the predominant religion in India where Hindi is spoken, believes in the cycle of death and rebirth, known as samsara. Based on one's actions in life, they may be reincarnated into different forms until they achieve liberation or moksha from the cycle of samsara. Ultimately, the destination in the afterlife is determined by an individual's karma.

Why do Hindus want to achieve moksha?

so that they can be freed from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth (samsara). Hindus believe that when they are freed from the samara (birth ,death, rebirth) they can be with BRAHMAN (which is their god)

What is freedom from samsara?

Freedom from samsara has two parts. The first freedom is to be free from the material world and to live a spiritual life. To be free from the pain of the body, the misery of the mind and the agony of the ego, to be free from fear, worry, anxiety; from hate, anger, revenge, jealousy. This freedom from samsara liberates us from sorrow. But the ultimate freedom from samsara is to realize we are not the body, mind and ego, we are the Divine Soul. It is not to create any karma knowing that we are just an instrument of the Divine. When we are free from karma, we are free from rebirth, we are free from samsara. Samsara is a cycle of death and rebirth. Though we come to this samsara, this world, we must suffer. And therefore, ultimate freedom from samsara is liberation from this world and unification with the Divine.

You are doing a Hindu version of a snakes and ladders game for a school project in the game it has to include Karma Samsara and moksha any suggestions of how you do it?

If you land on a samsara space as its reincarnation you could go back to the beginning. For Karma you could roll again because its a counting up of all the good things and bad things you have done - related to numbers. And for moksha you could go and join the person who is furthest - as this means joining your soul to the highest god.

What is the idea of moksha?

Moksha is the freedom from the vicious cycle of life, death, and rebirth. In hinduism, people are divided into different varnas, or groups in the caste system. When people are reincarnated, they either go up a level, or down a level, depending on their karma. When one is reincarnated over and over, they will finally reach moksha, or the state of perfect peace.