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Digital thremometer is shows digit and run by electric or cells

Mercury thermometer is shows mercury up and down. when temperature low and down.

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Q: What is the diffrerence between digital thermometer and mercury thermometer?
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Does a mercury thermometer provide info in an analog or digital way?

Analog way. Unless you have a digital thermometer

What is a digital thermometer and is it made up of?


What is the difference between digital and mercury thermometer?

Digital thermometers measure electrical resistance and Mercury thermometers measure thermal expansion.

Does digital thermometers have mercury?

No. A digital thermometer works on a bi-metal usually

Two kinds of thermometer?

wala lng.....

Mention any two points of difference between a clinical thermometer and an ordinary mercury thermometer?

A clinical thermometer will offer more precise calibrated readings than a mercury thermometer. The range of measurable temperature differs between a clinical and a mercury thermometer with the mercury thermometer having the wider range.

How many minutes do you take a rectal temperature?

If using a mercury thermometer - about a minute. A digital thermometer - a few seconds.

Mercury thermometer analog or digital device?

The traditional mercury thermometer has the mercury in a narrow glass tube with the readings/markings etched into the glass so it is neither analogue nor digital. I thought it was analogue.

Which thermometer is best for baby?

A digital thermometer is less 'intrusive' - as you don't need to hold it in place for any length of time (as you would with a mercury thermometer). Digital ones give you an almost instant reading.

How does a digital thermometer measure temperature if mercury is not present in it?

at its tip there is a thermistor which mearures temperature

Is a mercury thermometer an example of an analog or digital sensor?

analogue, since it doesn't use electronics

What is the difference between a rectal thermometer and an oral thermometer?

The tastes differ. An oral thermometer has a longer slender end that's inserted (into the mouth), compared to a rectal thermometer that has a short bulbous end inserted (into the rectum). The bulb reduces the chance of tearing the rectal wall, especially in infants. Some digital models have a setting for rectal vs. oral on the unit. The rectal temperature is known to be a little warmer and more accurate to body temperature. If you still have a glass and Mercury thermometer, be aware that mercury is a deadly toxin, and consider replacing the thermometer with a digital model.