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The digital formula for the hind leg of frog is 22343

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Q: What is the digital formula for the fore limb of frog?
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What limb does a tadpole lose when it turns into a frog?

It loses its tail.

Meaning of pollex?

The first, or preaxial, digit of the fore limb, corresponding to the hallux in the hind limb; the thumb. In birds, the pollex is the joint which bears the bastard wing.

How are the front and back legs of a frog different?

The hind limbs are much longer than the forelimbs, but forelimb to hind limb ratio is quite variable. Toads and toad-like anurans have relatively short hind limbs.

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The sets of bones that support the limbs of vertebrates are called?

Ligaments ---- The sets of bones in vertebrates like us are: in the fore limb (arm), the humerus, radius and ulna. In the hind limb (leg) are the femur, tibia and fibula.

What three criteria are used to determine whether something is homology?

for homology organs must have common embryonic origin but different lines of development. for example fore limb of man, fore legs of horse and wins of bat

Picture of parts of muscular system of frog?

The frog is separated into four parts; head, trunk, forelimb and hind limb. The head only has two muscle sections while the others have between five and seven.

How many bones in the upper limb of a frog?

The upper arm of any mammal is made of one bone, the Humerus.

What should you do when a frog limb falls off?

It will probably heal up and the frog will learn to live without it. I had a frog once named tripod, who only had 3 legs (missing left back leg, or his left jumping leg) and he jumped and swam and hunted perfectly fine.

How are the skeletons of a frog and human the same?

Although they cannot be considered "the same" they have many similar structures. For example the design of the human hands is quite similar to the hands and feet of the frog. In a sense, the limb structure is very similar.

How do you say cut you from limb to limb in old English?

Perhaps the expression you want is "limb from limb" and not "from limb to limb."

How many bones in the arm and hand?

Our each arm and hand collectively constitute of 30 bones. Eachfore limb has humerus - 1 radius(Fore arm) - 1 Ulna(fore arm) - 1 Carpals(wrist) - 8 Phalanges(palm) - 14 therefore total 30 so total bones that our forelimbs have is 60