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Open fit ear hearing aids are extremely small and nearly invisible to an observer. Essentially, open ear hearing aids are small units that sit up on top of and behind your ear. here is no earmold to occlude the ear canal when open fit hearing aids are worn - the clear tube is extremely thin and leaves the canal open. The biggest benefit to open fit digital hearing aids is that they minimize occlusion.

Open ear hearing aids sit up high on your ear and are placed in the back of your ears. They do not block the ear canal, contrary to traditional hearing aids.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Open ear hearing aids are better for people who hear low frequencies fine but cannot hear high-pitched sounds. The bad part about them is they use much smaller batteries, so the batteries do not last nearly as long.

The difference is comfort, excellence of hearing, cost, discretion, and tends to be very isolated and for the most part invisible. The negative part with open ear hearing aids is smaller sized batteries which have a shorter battery life.

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If sensory-neural hearing loss is present, then hearing aids will be advocated.

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Can CROS hearing aids help relieve tinnitus?

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Are open ear hearing aids good for severe loss of hearing?

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