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unknown. It has never been found and the dimensions were never recorded.

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Q: What is the dimension of noah arch?
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Related questions

Who built the first arch?

Noah in the Bible

What is a biblical boat called?

Noah's arch

Do Muslims believe in Noah's arch?

If you mean arch, i have no idea what you are talking about. If you mean arc, like the boat, then yes, Muslims believe in Noah's arc.

Who was on noahs arch?

Noah and his wife and their three sons and their wives. Eight people.

What is the estimated dimension of noah's arc?

No need to estimate. Specifications are given in Genesis 6:15-16.

Why did Noah build the Arch?

because noah knew the rains were coming that evryone and everything could die from so he took animals ansd his wife on the ship for 40 days and 40 nights

Where are Fish aboard Noah's Arch?

there would'nt be fish on board the ark as fish live in water why would they want to be saaved from there natural habbitat

Why is Lent so long?

It was based on the old Testament.It was 40 days that Noah stayed in the arch and also 40 days that Nineveh repented to the Lord at the time of Prophet Jonah..

What about different kinds of arches used in architecture?

There are three different configurations of arches including the fixed arch, the two-hinged arch, and the three-hinged arch. These configurations determine how stable the arch will be. Types of arches include the triangular arch, semi-circular arch, segmental arch, rampart round arch, lancet arch, equilateral pointed arch, and jack arch. Additional types of arches include the trefoil arch, horseshoe arch, three-centered arch, elliptical arch, inflexed arch, ogee arch, reverse ogee arch, Tudor arch, and parabolic arch.

What is the difference between a driving and driven dimension?

Driving Dimension: the geometry is controlled by the dimension. Driven Dimension: the dimension is controlled by the geometry.


"Arch" can refer to a curved structure typically made of stone or brick that supports weight, or it can refer to a curved shape or structure in an architectural setting. Archways are commonly used in architecture to provide structural support and add aesthetic appeal to a building or structure.

What is the dimension of strain?

it has no dimension