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The sentence, "A team of engineers and laborers constructed her," contains the transitive verb "constructed." The direct object, or specifically the pronoun, "her" identifies what or who receives the action of the verb.

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Q: What is the direct object of A team of engineers and laborers constructed her?
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What is the different between grade and degree?

The grade of an object is the actual incline or slope of a landform or constructed line. The degree of an object is what is used to measure that incline or slope in mathematical equations.

How do you use an engineers precision level?

If you mean a 'spirit level' then when the line is in the center of the bubble then the object being measured is horizontal to the ground.

What is the step scientist and engineers use to approach a problem?

Engineers will often use reverse-engineering to solve problems. For example, by taking things apart to determine an issue, finding a solution and then putting the object back together again. Engineers know how things work, and so they constantly analyse things and discover how they work.

What is the definition of a base-class constructor?

A base class constructor is simply a constructor that is declared within a base class. There is nothing particularly special about them since all constructors are only of relevence and applicable to the classes in which they are declared.

Why constructor is used?

Objects are constructed. You can't make a new object without invoking a constructor. In fact, you can't make a new object without invoking not just the constructor of the object's actual class type, but also the constructor of each of its superclasses including the Object class itself! Constructors are the code that runs whenever you use the keyword new. The constructor typically contains he initialization code that you want to run when someone is instantiating an object of a class that you are coding.

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"You were in the mountains" does not have a direct object.

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The verb does not have a direct object in the sentence, "She is insecure."

Is you a direct or indirect object?

"You" can be either a direct or indirect object: It is a direct object in "I want to kiss you." It is an indirect object in "Henry is going to give you the tickets."

What is the indirect object and direct object in the sentence your boss did not train you to do this?

The direct object is "you"; the indirect object (I believe) is "this".

What kind of verb does a direct object follow?

A direct object typically follows transitive verbs, which are action verbs that require a direct object to complete their meaning. The direct object receives the action of the verb.

Is batter a indirect object or a direct object?

Yes !! it is a direct object!!

Can you give examples of direct object as anoun?

A noun as a direct object? Jack ate the cake. - noun direct object = cake She brought lunch for her sister. - noun direct object = lunch

Would your visit to the museum was educational be a direct object or and indirect object?

In the sentence "Your visit to the museum was educational", "visit" is the direct object. An indirect object would typically receive the direct object, such as in the sentence "I gave her a gift" where "her" is the indirect object receiving the direct object "gift".

What are the direct object?

Any noun or pronoun can be a direct object. A direct object is a function of a noun or a pronoun, not a type of noun or pronoun.

What is the direct object in The trapeze artist prefomred a daring object?

The direct object of the verb 'performed' is the noun object.