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Q: What is the direction of a glaciers movement indicated by?
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The direction of movement of a glacier is best indicated by the?

alignment of grooves in bedrock


Continental Glaciers

What forms cirques and U-shaped valleys?

The movement of glaciers through the process of abrasion.The movement of glaciers.

How did the location of the glaciers affect the movement of people and animals?

The location of the glaciers affected the movement of people and animals by blocking them. They could not get to certain areas due to these glaciers.

What is the main cause for accelerated erosion?

movement of glaciers

Base your answer on the diagram of the human arm and on your knowledge of biology Movement of the lower arm bones in the direction indicated by the arrow results from the contraction of?

1; the extensor, but not the flexor

In which direction does friction act compared o the direction of movement?

In the same direction as the movement

What happens when a glaciers rate of melting is greater than its rate of movement?

An ice front recedes when a glaciers rate of melting is greater than its rate of movement. It is the end of the glacier.

How did new Yorks finger lake form?

movement of glaciers

What were Scotland's lakes and rugged highlands created by?

the movement of glaciers

What is the gouging of bedrock by rock fragments dragged by glaciers results?

The gouging of bedrock by rock fragments dragged by glaciers results in the formation of grooves, scratches, and striations on the surface of the bedrock. These features, known as glacial striations, provide evidence of the direction and movement of past glaciers. These marks can also help geologists determine the extent and timing of glacial activity in an area.

What direction did glaciers move thousands of years ago?

they went north