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Q: What is the direction that fibers run in wood called?
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Direction in which the muscle fibers run relative to some imaginary line?

These muscle fibers are said to be lateral.

In which direction do the muscle fibers of a worm extend?

The muscle fibers of an earthworm run vertically along the entirety of the worm.

What is the fiber direction of a cats internal oblique muscles?

The cat's muscle fibers run perpendicular to its internal oblique muscles. The fibers of the external oblique muscles run opposite of the muscles.

Collagen fibers which run from the fibrous bone covering into the bone itself are called?

Sharpey's Fibers

Why does paper tear easily straight but not across?

Due to the way paper is made, its fibers tend to run in one direction. If you tear in that direction, along the fibers, the paper tears easily, and the fibers guide the tear to be straight across. If you tear the paper across the fibers, all of the above is untrue.

In which direction (relative to the spine) do the external oblique muscle fibers lie External Oblique muscles lie:?

run at an oblique angle to vertical direction of the spine.

What direction do you run a wood floor in the hall?

Sandra is a friend of mine and so is jocelyn and kathy from:luis

Why does timber split?

Wood consists of fibers that run side by side. These fibers aren't exactly alike, so they will shrink in different amounts when they dry(when they're moist they're more pliable). As different parts of the tree shrinks in different amount the wood will eventually split to release the tensions.

What is a banks run?

It's called reverse bank run when the money is going in reverse direction. It is an unique situation.

What direction do the muscle fibers of the external oblique run?

The external abdominal obliques are on both sides of your torso. They run diagonally from external surfaces of ribs 5-12 (origin) to the anterior illiac crest and abdominal aponeurosis (insertion).

What is a reverse bank run?

It's called reverse bank run when the money is going in reverse direction. It is an unique situation.

Difference between dense regular connective tissue and dense irregular connective tissue?

Dense regular has dark-staining collagen fibers that run parallel to each other. It provides connections between bone-to-bone and muscle-to-bone, and it is strong and can stand great tensile stress. Dense regular can be found in ligaments and tendons (i.e. white fibrous tissue). Dense irregular is not dark-staining, and the collagen fibers aren't parallel. The structure of the fibers allows support from many directions. Dense irregular is found in the dermis of the skin. In general, a 'regular' issue means that its fibers run in the same direction, while a 'irregular' tissue's fibers run in all directions.