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The difference between extrusive and intrsive rocks are thatextrusive rock is a ingeous rock and formes by lava that erupes onto earth surface, and that intrusive rock is igneous rocks that hardenes beeatg earth's surface.

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1d ago

Extrusive rocks are formed from lava cooling quickly on the Earth's surface, resulting in fine-grained texture (examples: basalt, rhyolite). Intrusive rocks are formed from magma cooling slowly below the Earth's surface, resulting in coarse-grained texture (examples: granite, diorite).

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Q: What is the dirrerence between extrusive and intusive rocks give an example of each?
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A lava flow is an example of an igneous rock one of the two main igneous rock groups?

It is an example of extrusive igneous rock.

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Rocks formed by the crystallization of magma on the Earth's surface are extrusive rocks.

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The longer that magma is able to cool, the larger the crystals will be. Intrusive rocks will have larger crystals than extrusive rocks. For example granite (intrusive) has larger grains than rhyolite (extrusive).

What type of igneous rock is a lava flow an example of?

It is an example of extrusive igneous rock.

Is lava a example of extrusive rock?

No, lava is molten rock that flows onto the Earth's surface during a volcanic eruption. Once it cools and solidifies, it forms igneous rocks called extrusive rocks. Examples include basalt and pumice.

What are the two basic igneous rock categories?

The two types are intrusive and extrusive. Intrusive are formed inside the earth an example being granite. Extrusive are formed on the earth's surface after a volcanic eruption an example being basalt.

What is an example of extrusive rock that has cooled too quickly for grains to form?

Obsidian is an example of an extrusive rock that has cooled too quickly for grains to form. It is a type of volcanic glass formed when lava cools rapidly without sufficient time for crystal growth.

What is an example of an extrusive igneous rock?

An example of an extrusive igneous rock is basalt. Basalt forms from the rapid cooling of lava on the Earth's surface and is commonly found in volcanic areas. It has a fine-grained texture due to its quick cooling process.

Are extrusive rocks finely grained?

Yes extrusive rocks are fine grained because they cool down at a faster rate.

What trait is an intrusive igneous rock?

If a rock is intrusive, that means that it formed from magma inside the Earth. An example is granite. The opposite is extrusive, which forms from cooling lava from volcanoes. An extrusive rock is obsidian.