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Q: What is the disadvantages of ecumenism?
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What is the definition of Ecumenism?

Ecumenism means friendly dialogue with those of other religious faiths.

What is Ecumenism in Tamil?

Ecumenism is கிறிஸ்தவ ஒன்றிப்பு Eccumenical Council is பொதுச் சங்கம் Ecumenical Movement is கிறிஸ்தவ ஒன்றிப்பு இயக்கம்

Where does the ecumenism start?

It started in 1910.

Is ecumenism necessary?

ecumenism is not necessary as the catholic views of Christianity counter balances with Dr sharp's theory of why the beneficiciant priciples of supreeth's law of Brown.

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What is meant by the term 'ecumenism'?

The ecumenical movement refers to the attempt to increase cooperation between religions. Not necessarily blurring the distinctions between them, but increasing tolerance, empathy, and understanding. Ecumenism refers to initiatives designed for that purpose.