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Down's Syndrome or trisomy 21.

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Q: What is the disorder caused by having an abnormality on chromosome 21?
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Is Down syndrome a genetic disorder or a chromosome disorder?

Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder. It is caused by having 1 extra chromosome (chromosome 21).

What does it mean when someone has an extra chromosome?

If someone has an extra chromosome it means there was a genetic mutation that is abnormal in human development. It may result in problems with the person affecting them on a basic level, or may go fully unnoticed. A common disorder that can be caused by having an extra chromosome is Down's Syndrome.

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What type of disorder is klinefelters syndrome gene or chromosomal?

Chromosomal, because the person with Klinefelter's would have 47 chromosomes. A genetic disorder would be any disorder having to do with genes, but would not necessarily mean having an extra chromosome.

What is the most common chromosomal abnormality seen in live born babies what is the prevalence of this disorder what is the relationship between maternal age and the risk of having a baby with this?

Down Syndrome-the rest is on wikipedia

What is trisomy mutation?

A trisomy is when a person has 3 versions of a chromosome. 'Normal' humans will only have 2 of each chromosome. For example, having 3 versions of chromosome 21 is known as Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome.

Is bipolar disorder found on the x-linked chromosome or y-linked?

bipolar disorder is found on the x-linked chromosome. Since female has 2 pairs of X chromosome. The effect of bad gene is compensated by other pair. Hence it carries to generations without being noticed. Also it is being liked to reproductive cycle of females. Where as male has one X and One Y chromosome. Hence a faulty X has no way to compensate. So if a male has bipolar disorder it is most likely to be of bipolar disorder of type 1 (most severe). Thought data shows males have less tendency of having bipolar disorder in percentage terms.

Down syndrome is usually caused by an extra copy of what chromosome?

Down syndrome occurs because of the extra chromosome on chromosome 21. If you go onto google images and type in karyotype of Down syndrome, you will find a picture of the extra chromosome. Instead of having two chromosomes on chromosome 21, there is an extra. Type your answer here...

How do you use the word hemophilia in a sentence?

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder caused by either insufficient amounts of a clotting factor protein or a clotting factor protein that does not work correctly. The blood in individuals with hemophilia does not clot as fast as an individual with no bleeding disorder. Hemophilia is most often genetic and carried on the X chromosome. For this reason, men (having only one X chromosome rather than two like females) tend to show the symptoms of hemophilia and be diagnosed as hemophiliacs much more frequently.

What are examples of genetic disorders that is caused by insertion of extra codons in the x sex chromosome?

The phenomenon of having an extra chromsome is called anueploidy. Depending on the chromosome of which the extra copy exists, there are many disorders.Down Snydrome is the most common disorder associated with an extra autosomal chromosome, but it is not the only one. The other condintions that come from extra copies of an autosome (non-sex chromosome) that result in the most live births are:Edward's Syndrome from an extra copy of 18 andPatau syndrome which is caused by an extra 13.As for sex chromosomes,an extra X chromosome results in Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) in males andmetafemale or XXX syndrome in women.Males with an extra Y are simply refered to as having XYY syndrome.

Is hemophilia a disorder?

The clinical answer would be yes, however there are many exceptions to the rule in the case of hemophilia. The trait for hemophilia is carried on the X chromosome and is often recessive. This being the case, since females have 2 X chromosomes, there is typically a dominant gene on their other X that corrects the disorder if one X carries the trait for hemophilia. Males, having only one X chromosome (paired with a Y chromosome) an only express the traits on the one X that they have. This being the case, a male with the trait for hemophilia on his X chromosome must be affected by it. In more recent years it has become understood that the trait for hemophilia is not as recessive as once thought. In many females the trait has shown incomplete or shared dominance with the otherwise normal gene. This often results in the female having low clotting factor levels and actually being considered a mild or moderate hemophiliac.

What is sat chromosome?

they are chromosomes having secondary contriction.. aka satellite chromosome