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Q: What is the distance between dipole and reflector is?
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What is the definition of a dipole moment?

A dipole moment is a mathematical product of the magnitude of a charge and the distance of the separation between charges. There are also many other types of dipole moments, such as transition, molecular, bond and electron.

What is two opposite electric charges separated by a short distance called?

dipole dipole

Is HCl a dipole-dipoleattraction?

The interactions between HCl molecules is a dipole-dipole interaction.

The forces of attraction between polar molecules are known as?

Dipole-Dipole forces

What is the difference between refractor and reflector?

Reflector- light is set on a mirror and is viewed on a mirror. == ==

Net dipole moment?

A separation of charge forming a positive and a negative end of a molecule. Good luck!

What is difference between between electric dipole moment and magnetic dipole moment?

Magnetic dipole is due to two poles of magnet. Electric dipole is due to +ve and -ve charges of electric charges.

Why the echo of a sound made by us is not heard in small room?

because the minimum distance between the us (the source) and the reflector should be 16.5 cm.

Does ch4 have dipole-dipole interactions?

No it doesn't; as there is practically no difference in electronegativity between carbon and hydrogen to create a dipole.

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What are the intermolecular forces between c3h7oh?

hydrogen bonding, dipole dipole interactions

What is the difference between dispersion forces and dipole- dipole forces?

Dispersion forces are formed between two non-polar molecules. These molecules form temporary dipoles. This creates a weak force. Dipole Dipole forces have a permanent dipole. That is the basic explanation