

What is the distance between mars and earth in mph?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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There can be no sensible answer. "mph" is a unit for measuring speed or velocity, not distance.

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Q: What is the distance between mars and earth in mph?
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It took the Curiosity Lander 253 days to get to Mars and the distance between Earth and Mars at their closest point is about 33,926,867 miles. Do the math correctly and the speed at which Curiosity was traveling was about 5,587 mph.

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The distance between Earth and Mars changes. At the absolute closest they could be 33,900,000 miles apart, at which it would take 67 hours and 48 minutes to travel that distance at 500,000 miles per hour. In reality distances are greater and we could not travel that fast.

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The distance between Earth and Mars varies significantly depending on their relative positions in their orbits. At its closest Mars is about 130 million miles from Earth. At 50 mph it would take a little under 300 years to travel that distance.

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32 mph for 2 hours is a distance of 64 miles.

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Mars travels around the sun at a little over 54,000 mph and completes an orbit in roughly 687 Earth days

How long at 60 mph would it take you to drive to mars?

The nearest Mars gets to the Earth is 56 million kilometres. At 60 mph it would take 66.2 years to get to Mars in a straight line. At its furthest, Mars is more than 7 time as far so a straight line journey would take around 475 years.

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The approximate distance between Earth and Uranus is 1.6 billion miles.At the rate of 25000 miles per hour speed it would take 64000 hours .

What is mikes acceleration in miles per hour per second if he can go from 0 to 40 in 5 seconds?

40 mph/5 sec = 8 mph per second. That happens to be within a few percent of the gravitational acceleration on the surface of Mars. In other words, if you dropped Mike onto Mars from a small distance above the surface, his descent rate would go from zero to 40 mph in about 5 seconds. Whereas, in the same 5 seconds spent falling to Earth, his descent rate would go from zero to almost 110 mph.

How much is 1km in mph?

There is no equivalence between km and mph since km is a measure of distance whereas mph is a measure of speed.However, 1 km PER HOUR is 0.621371 mph.

What is the speed of rotation of Mars?

The equatorial rotational speed for the planet Mars is about 868.22 km/hr or 540 mph. This is far slower than the rotation of Earth (1674.4 km/hr), giving the two planets roughly the same period of rotation (Mars day = 24.6 Earth hours).

How long would it take you to drive a car to the moon at 70 miles per hour?

The earth's escape velocity is approx 25,000 miles per hour so at 70 mph you would ot be able to leave earth!Space rockets do not travel in a straight line. Instead, they first orbit the earth and then use a kind of sling-shot effect to travel across space. The distance travelled, therefore bears little relation to the distance between the earth and the moon.However, a journey as long as the earth-moon distance, at 70 mph, would take a little over 142 days.

How long does it take to get from earth to mars at a speed of 40000 miles per hour?

Earth is approx 93 million miles from the sunMars is approx 142 million miles from the sunIf you time your journey so that the shortest possible journey is made, that is when Mars and Earth are on the same side of the sun, the distance travelled is approx 142 - 93 = 49 million miles which at 40000 mph would take (49 x 106) ÷ 40000 hours = 1225 hours or about 51 days.If you time your journey so that the longest possible straight line journey is made, that is when Mars and Earth are on opposite sides of the sun (with a trip through the sun), the distance travelled is appox 142 + 93 = 235 million miles which at 40000 mph would take (235 x 106) ÷ 40000 hours = 5875 hours or about 245 days.*So the journey from Earth to Mars at 40000 mph would take somewhere between approx 1225 hours (51 days) and approx 5875 hours (245 days).*Obviously you can't go through the sun, but this also assumes that the sun has no diameter - it's diameter is approx 0.8 million miles, adding an extra 21 hours or nearly a day.