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Q: What is the distance in light years to the Pleiades?
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Where is pleiades situated in space?

It's in the constellation of Taurus the Bull. The distance to the Pleiades is about 135 parsecs, or 440 light years.

How far away is the pleiades?

440 light-years. I would say this is the current estimate. There is always some error in those distance measurements.440 light-years. I would say this is the current estimate. There is always some error in those distance measurements.440 light-years. I would say this is the current estimate. There is always some error in those distance measurements.440 light-years. I would say this is the current estimate. There is always some error in those distance measurements.

What is the distance from the Pleides Star Cluster to the Earth?

The article on the Pleiades in Wikipedia states that the star cluster is approximately 135 parsecs or 440 light-years.

Where in the solar system is the Pleiades?

The Pleiades or Matariki is a star cluster about 440 light years from us. So it is NOT located within the Solar System.

What is the light year distance from earth to the matariki constellations?

An actual constellation is more like a direction in space - there is no "distance to" it, just as it doesn't make sense to talk about how far away "up" is. However, Matariki seems to refer specifically to the Pleiades cluster; the distance to this one is somewhere between 390 and 460 light-years.

What distance is pleiades star cluster?

About 135 parsecs.

What is 27000 light years?

27,000 light-years is a distance of 158,720,000,000,000,000 miles. This is the distance light will travel in 27,000 years.

The light travels from Alpha Centauri to Earth in?

The distance has been generally presented in Light-years, which is the distance light travels in one-year. The distance to Alpha Centari is 4.7 light-years (alpha Centari is 4.3 light-years distance).

How many years is 587 light years?

Light years is a measure for distance, the distance light travels in one year. For the light to travel 587 light years, it takes 587 years.

How many years is 16 light years?

A light-year is a distance, not a year. 16 light-years is the distance light can travel in 16 years - 94,058,003,200,000 miles.

How many years are in a 100 light years?

Years are a measurement of time; light years are a measurement of distance. A light year is the distance light travels in one year (in a vacuum).

How many kilometers the distance of star in one light year in light years?

The distance of one light year, in light years, is exactly 1.