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Q: What is the distance people require to feel comfortable while interacting with others?
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What is a word for interacting with others?

Taking, Socializing are two words for interacting. You can interact with others to make friends.

What does you warm up quickly with others mean?

It means that you are outgoing and when you meet people for the first time you become comfortable talking and interacting with them quickly. You get used to people very easily

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Interacting with a gay person is no different than interacting with a straight person.

Does it seem stupid to ask to use numbing cream for a piercing?

Not at all. You should definitely ask for anything that will make this procedure as comfortable for you as you require. Some people can withstand a higher threshold of pain than others ... be comfortable and do what you want to do.

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Are garter belts comfortable?

Whether garter belts are comfortable or not is a matter of opinion. Different companies and styles can be more comfortable then others.

is the seat comfortable?

It all depends on your definition of comfortable. For some it will be more comfortable than others based on weight, height, and other factors.

What car has the most cofortable seats?

That is subjective. What is comfortable to you or me may not be comfortable to others. In most case the more expensive the vehicle the more comfortable the seats.

Are thongs uncomfortable?

Some people find them comfortable and others do not.

Is it true or false that Hispanic cultures leave less interpersonal space when greeting than in the US?

Gemerally, that is true. People in the U.S. tend to want to keep space between them and others, whereas Hispanic people tend to be comfortable with less distance between them when greeting others.

how comfortable is that seat?

For some people the seat on this Recumbent bike is comfortable and for others it is not. It really depends on weight and other shape factors on whether or not you'd consider the seat comfortable.