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Here is the formula for the strength of the gravitational force:

F = G m1m2/R2

'm1' and 'm2' are the masses of the two objects attracting each other,

and 'R' is the distance between them.

There's nothing in the formula that says "Only as far out as this maximum distance".

The gravitational force between two objects extends to any distance you want to

think about, and past it. It becomes weaker as the distance grows, but it never

shrinks to zero, no matter how far apart the objects are.

There is a force of gravity between a grain of sand on the farthest planet orbiting

the farthest star in the farthest galaxy, if any of them exist, and your pinky fingernail.

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Q: What is the distance to which the earth's gravitational force extends?
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Is the moons or the earths gravitational force stronger or weaker?

The Earth's gravitation force is greater than the Moon, which keeps the Moon in orbit round the Earth.

Is it more distance more gravitational force?

Gravitational force decreases as the square of the distance.

How can the mass and distance increase or desrease the gravitational force?

More mass --> more gravitational force Greater distance --> less gravitational force

What effect does the distance cause on the gravitational force?

since gravitational force is inversely propostional to the sq. Root of distance between them. When distance increases the gravitational force decreasses and it is vice versa.

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What is earths gravitational force?

9.8 N/kg

How does distance affect the gravitational force between to objects?

Distance decreases the gravitational force, F=k/r2.

How does the earths radius affect the gravitational force on a object at its surface?

The Earth and the object exert a gravitational force on each other, but only the Earth's is big enough to measure. So, the formula for gravitational force include the distance from one body's surface to its center and the same for the other body. The length of the radius is directly proportional to the body's gravitational force.

If the distance between two objects is increase the gravitational force will?

the gravitational force will decrease

What happend to the gravitational force between two objects if the distance between them is decreased?

The gravitational force that one object exerts on another will decrease in magnitude. In the formula for gravitational force, the force is inversely proportional to the square of distance. This means that reducing the distance between the objects will increase the magnitude of gravitational force.

How does distance affect the gravitational force?

the formula is F = Gm1m2/r2r can be represented for distance.As distance increases, gravitational force decreases.As distance decreases, graivitational force increases.

Who invented the gravity of force?

it was invented by the earths gravitational feild