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Q: What is the divine approval for Chinese ruler?
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What is divine approbation?

divine approval

What does divine rule mean?

Divine rule is the concept that a ruler's authority is derived from a higher power, such as a god or gods. It is the belief that the ruler is chosen or ordained by divine will to lead and govern. This idea has been used historically to justify the legitimacy of a ruler's power.

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both provided for freedom and religion

What are the characteristics of divine right?

Divine right is when a ruler says that he has the right to rule because God says so.

What theory on the origin of the state called for a ruler that had been selected by god as a ruler of the land?

Divine Rights of Kings

What is the idea that God chooses a nation's ruler?

The "divine right of Kings" is the idea that God chooses a nation's ruler.

What best describes the Mandate of Heaven in Chinese culture?

The Mandate of Heaven is a concept in Chinese culture that asserts that the ruler has the blessing and support of the divine, and therefore has the right to rule. It serves as a legitimizing factor for the ruling dynasty and implies that the ruler must govern with virtue and justice. If a ruler fails to uphold these standards, it is believed that the Mandate of Heaven may be withdrawn, and a new ruler may rise to power.

What is meant by divine right of kings?

It is the belief that the ruler of the nation is chosen by God, and as such he and God alone can judge the ruler's behavior.

What is meant the divine right of kings?

It is the belief that the ruler of the nation is chosen by God, and as such he and God alone can judge the ruler's behavior.

What is meant by the divine right the kings?

It is the belief that the ruler of the nation is chosen by God, and as such he and God alone can judge the ruler's behavior.

How do you say ruler in Chinese?
