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Binary fission. Pronounced bye nary fishin We were just learning about this in school today. What a coincidence it was that I saw your question!

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Q: What is the division called where bacteria create new cells?
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What is the splitting of cells into a copy called?

The splitting of a cell into two cells (to create a copy) is called cell division. The new cells that result after division are called daughter cells

What is it called when cells deivide to create new cells?

cell division

What is the cell division called when bacteria creates new cells?


When a cell is divided into more stages is called what?

The process of division of cells into more stages to create two cells from one cell is called Mitosis.

How does cell division of bacteria influence grouping of cells?

Because the grouping of cells are very important in determining cell division. It plays an important role in bacteria formation.

What organelle contributes to the division of cells?

Well, the organelle that contributes to cell division is definetly, bacteria.

Cells that undergo mitotic division but not meiotic division are called?

somatic cells

What is the duplication of sex cells called?

Meiosis is the division of sex cells and mitosis is the division of body cells

All about white blood cells?

white blood cells are your body's defence system to bacteria and infection when it enters your body there are several types of white blood cells the main one is called a phagocyte which engulfs bacteria and using proteins it eats it others white blood cells include t cells and b cells

What are the cells the end of these division called?

daughter cells

Do bacteria cells have lysomes?

Bacteria cells do not have lysosomes. These are sometimes called the "stomach" of the cell.